Mee Memorial Hospital cares for residents in southern Monterey County by providing primary care, 24/7 emergency services, cardiovascular care, surgical care, dialysis, gastrointestinal care, maternity care, and women’s health services. All emergency services staff are trained in emergency medicine and are prepared to immediately treat medical emergencies, including surgical needs. The hospital also has a lab and imaging services, including CT, ultrasound, MRI, mammography, and bone density scanning. Mee Memorial Hospital’s rehabilitation center has received a five-star rating from Medicaid.
King City, CA, a city with small-town charm, is located in the picturesque southern Salinas Valley of the California Central Coast. King City values community, and the city hosts a variety of events to promote a sense of community, including rodeos, festivals, and an international wine competition. King City is also home to the annual Salinas Valley Fair, which features livestock, horse shows, and bull riding. When locals need a quick getaway, they can drive 30 minutes to Pinnacles National Park or two hours north to explore San Francisco.