News Updates — Worried Physicians and Collaboration Success

Published August 27, 2013


Our biweekly news updates are designed to keep you up to date with current developments relating to the Acute Care Continuum. Feel free to share your perspective on these stories or link to articles that you have found relevant to today's healthcare environment.

Physicians Worried About the Future of Healthcare

A survey of 1,200 providers has revealed that many physicians are increasingly skeptical about the current state and future of healthcare. Over 60 percent of those surveyed believe "the current healthcare climate is 'somewhat to very' detrimental to care," with the same number of providers believing that the quality of medicine will decline over the next few years. Additionally, around three-quarters of physicians are unfamiliar with the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model that has been touted as the future of healthcare delivery.

Four Ways to Reduce Hospital Readmissions

The Florida Hospital Association (FHA) has published a report examining a series of statewide initiatives that resulted in across-the-board reduction in hospital readmissions. Over the course of two years, 105 Florida hospitals showed a 15 percent decrease in readmissions, resulting in at least $25 million in cost savings. The FHA has identified four leading drivers that spurred the reduction: collaboration, culture, data and partnerships.

A Focus on Hospital-Acquired Infections Can Improve Safety and Reduce Costs

A collaborative called Patient Safety First (PSF) reported that its focus on reducing hospital-acquired infections "helped California hospitals avoid 3,576 deaths and more than $63 million in unnecessary hospital costs between 2009 and 2012." "The importance of the program is showing that when over 180 hospitals identify a problem, utilize a common database and work collaboratively to make hospitals safer, significant progress can be made," said Eugene Grigsby, president and CEO of the National Health Foundation.

Partnering to improve patient lives

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